Rev. Jonathan Wilson

Jonathan Wilson and his wife Melia have been in full-time student ministry for 15 years.  God has given them a heart for students, with an emphasis on outreach, apologetics, and discipleship.  Jonathan Graduated from the Montana Wilderness School of the Bible, and he attended Savannah College of Art and Design and Columbus State University where he focused on art and criminal justice.  Jonathan served as a mentor with the Impact 360 Institute, a gap year program for high school graduates, for 3 years, is currently the FCA campus minister for two high schools, and often finds himself coaching various sports.  He and his wife have eight children and their family enjoys serving in ministry together.  His goal in ministry is to use Scripture as described in II Timothy 3:16-17, nurture student’s growth in their personal relationship with Christ, provide an enjoyable environment beneficial to their spiritual needs, teach them to be confident about the Truth that is Scripture, and build a foundation rooted in Christ according to Colossians 2:6-7.

Jonathan enjoys sports, more as a participant than a spectator.  He grew up camping, aggressive rock climbing, playing competitive soccer, basketball, and ultimate frisbee, and has 20 years of Muay Thai and Jiu-Jitsu training.  He also has a love for art that he often incorporates in his ministry.